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Infant wouldn't move for 12 calendar week scan.
(xviii Posts)
fallingandlaughing Wed 12-Jan-eleven 22:04:57
Had my long awaited 12 weeks scan today. We were looking forrard to seeing our little i jumping around. Just zip. The baby only sat there. The sonographer and my obstetrician weren't bothered, and said everything looks fine. And so I Should take their word for it. But... has anyone else had this?
TheRedQueen Wed 12-Jan-11 22:10:28
Yes, my daughter resolutely refused to movement for nearly scans - lazy animal. Later in the pregnancy, I seem to retrieve being made to drink pints of water until she perked up and performed! Can't call back why it was supposed to help.
harrygracejessica Wed 12-Jan-11 22:xiii:41
Ane of my twins was the other style circular for the last scan and she struggled to get measurements etc cos he wouldnt stay still long enough!! Scanned the other one and went back to the first and he had fallen asleep lol
MollysChambers Wed 12-Jan-11 22:sixteen:15
Yep. With DD3. Only movement at 12 week browse was her heartbeat.
In my (pg) wisdom - this seems then ridiculous at present - I decided to have a strong java prior to my 20 calendar week scan in lodge to promote some activity. Cue babe literally bouncing off the walls. Sonographer had a hell of a job taking measurements!
Delight don't worry.
TitianTinselTemptress Wed 12-Jan-11 22:31:46
Totally totally normal for them not to motion, don't worry your baby is fine - congratulations
cocoachannel Midweek 12-January-11 22:46:29
Absolutely normal; mine refused to move for either the 12 or 20 week browse. For the 20 week the sonographer had to send me for a 15 minute walk and to swallow something sweet to encourage the baby to move into a position from which the tests could be completed.
Must take after her father...
Scouseem Wed 12-Jan-11 22:55:49
Yes its normal. I'grand 20weeks pregnant and had a scan at 11wks where he was jumping and spining and wouldn't go on still and then a wk after at 12wks he didn't move at all. Think they just caught infant while he was sleeping like they did with our infant. Good luck with the next 28weeks.
geewaf Wed 12-Jan-11 23:04:14
Totally normal, ours slept soundly during first browse so got the perfect scan photo
but was bouncing about wildly for the next one. Zip to worry about.
GoldFrakkincenseAndMyrrh Thu 13-January-eleven 08:27:22
Mine has slept through every scan. Flat out refused to motility even when I jiggled around, the sonographer prodded and I willed information technology to with every fibre of my being. Zero. In completely the incorrect position likewise...
Often results in repeat scans if they tin't get what they want though, and then if they're satisfied I really wouldn't worry.
DomesticGoddess31 Thu 13-Jan-eleven 08:28:05
Mine was bouncing all over the place but the sonographer did say its akso quite normal for them not to move at all. She told me she suggests a bar of chocolate just before your scan. Saccharide plus caffeine = wriggly infant evidently.
tlise Thu thirteen-January-11 09:31:05
They would take called you back if they weren't happy x
knackered76 Thu 13-Jan-11 09:44:08
I had the aforementioned affair with mine. Information technology'southward my xx calendar week on monday and it's been playing on my listen that the baby didn't move! I accept felt a few flutters since then so accept decided not to worry too much about information technology and as the others have said, it's non uncommon and totally normal
natmay27 Thu thirteen-Jan-11 x:40:02
mine likewise was the same!! was and then laid dorsum at 12 wk scan even had his/her little legs crossed! making up for it at present though xx weeks and constantly jiggling around. got 20wk scan side by side wk bet its lazy once more just for that!
Fab123 Thu xiii-Jan-eleven 12:48:20
I had my first scan last week and was dissapointed at first because it was merely a blob. Sonographer said information technology had it's back to us on it's front end. I laughed and my diaphram acted like a trampoline and shot the baby upwards and it started moving about! I wonder if that would help? We got a lovely clear shot of baby stretching on it'due south dorsum. I don't know if this is a common thing?
JoEW Thu thirteen-Jan-11 15:24:xv
Mine was face downwardly with its head in its easily for the 12 week scan. Wouldn't budge. I wouldn't worry, equally others accept said it's very common. My DH yet claims that out 12 calendar week scan photos are 'pictures of soup'. It is quite difficult to make anything out.
20 week scan yous'll get a much better picture and they call y'all dorsum if they don't become to run across everything they want.
Practiced luck!
sh77 Thu thirteen-Jan-11 15:27:49
Mine has been clumsily stubborn - didn't movement for 12, 20, 22, 24, 27 week scans. Consultant had to shake my breadbasket with the hand browse thingy and prod hard. He uncurled his hands just that was information technology. I am not worried at all every bit he is moving lots outside of scan times.
My girl was the reverse.
fallingandlaughing Thu 13-January-11 eighteen:12:29
Thanks everyone. Very reassuring. Let's hope this means the little ane likes their sleep.
MollysChambers Fri 14-January-xi 09:40:48
Yeah that's what I said also.......
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